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I'm wondering, is there is way to implement background taks, maybe with workers pool. Can you show me direction, i'm thinking about writing package for this?

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up vote 86 down vote accepted

There are several packages to run background tasks in Meteor. From the simplest to the most involved:

Packages I would recommend caution with:


  • Kue - the priority job queue for Node.js backed by redis. Not updated for Meteor 0.9+.
  • cron (warning: very old)
share|improve this answer
This one looks pretty popular: – Adam Monsen Oct 8 '14 at 4:47
This is a phenomenal list, thanks for keeping it up to date, a real service. – chmac Nov 27 '14 at 21:11
@chmac: Thanks. I do keep lists like that. – Dan Dascalescu Nov 27 '14 at 21:16
This package seams interesting: I didn't try it yet but I wanted to mention it to increase the options list – Humber Jan 11 '15 at 12:27
@DanDascalescu I'm yet to do a full write-up on this one - but you can use (Distributed task queue built on Python & RabbitMQ) - there's a meteor package we're currently using - (See also for an easier setup) – nathan-m Jan 30 '15 at 1:00

There is a package based on Cron jobs which can be used to schedule tasks on certain intervals or dates. Here is the package:

And if you happen to look into the source of that package, you'll notice they're simply using:

Meteor.setInterval( ... , delay );

So if you save your tasks in a database, then load them into intervals during startup, then you'll probably be on the right track.

share|improve this answer
And there is a good possibility that those calls in the cron package can and should be changed to Meteor.setTimeout() calls. – Rob_vH May 8 '15 at 13:15

I'm guessing proper support is on their roadmap, but in the meantime I've managed to get it going in a hacky way via setInterval. See the cron-tick package.

share|improve this answer
@dan: great, link works now! – konrad Jan 25 '14 at 16:41

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